The Best Armies For Town Hall 5 In Clash of Clans (2024)

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At Town Hall 5, you'll unlock the Wizard, a powerful troop. Many strong armies can be built around the Wizard at Town Hall 5.

Updated on Mar 05, 2024

Fact checked by Owen Harsono|

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The Best Armies For Town Hall 5 In Clash of Clans (5)

Before we get into the top five armies you should use for Town Hall 5, let's quickly understand your maximum army capacity at this Town Hall level. You'll have access to 135 Troop Capacity, 2 Spell Capacity, and 15 Clan Castle Troop Capacity. Now that it's all clear let's get straight into it.

1 /5

Giant Wizard

The newest troop you unlock at Town Hall 5 is the Wizard. If you're excited get some practice with the Wizard, the first army will be a solid choice. We'll be mixing in many troops on this one, so be prepared! For this attack strategy, your army composition should look like this:

The Best Armies For Town Hall 5 In Clash of Clans (6)
OPTIONAL: If you have access to Clan Castle Troops, you should request Giants or Hog Riders to strengthen your army.

The Best Armies For Town Hall 5 In Clash of Clans (7)
  1. Check for Clan Castle troops and use your Archers and Wizards to take care of them, if any.
  2. The main idea of the army is to have all your Giants attacking one side and have your Wizards support them from behind.
  3. The most threatening enemy defense is the Mortar, as the splash damage can be problematic for your Wizards.
  4. Therefore, we will attack the base from the side closest to the Mortar. You can also use your Lightning Spells to weaken the Mortar.
  5. Send your Giants straight to the Mortar, and use your Wall Breakers to break in. Drop a few Wizards to help out, but not all.
  6. Once the Mortar is destroyed, you can deploy the rest of your Wizards behind your Giants.
  7. You will drop your Wizards andBalloons later on in the raid to clean-up the remaining defenses. Either once the Air Defense is down, or you can also drop them on the opposite side of where the Air Defense is.

The Best Armies For Town Hall 5 In Clash of Clans (8)

2 /5

Giant Balloon

Next, we will use a common strategy also used in Town Hall 4. Overall, Balloons are still outstanding at this Town Hall level, so we hope you don't mind some recycling of strategies! For this attack strategy, your army composition should look like this:

The Best Armies For Town Hall 5 In Clash of Clans (9)
OPTIONAL: If you have access to Clan Castle Troops, you should request Balloons to strengthen your army.

The Best Armies For Town Hall 5 In Clash of Clans (10)
  1. Check for Clan Castle troops and use your Archers to take care of them, if any.
  2. The main idea of the army is to use your Giants, Wall Breakers, and Archers to destroy the enemy Air Defense so your Balloons will have an easier time.
  3. The job isn't done once the Air Defense is down, as there is still a Wizard Tower to deal with.
  4. You can use your Lightning Spells on the Wizard Tower to weaken it and send around 6 to 8 Balloons to take care of it.
  5. Once the Wizard Tower and Air Defense are down, send your remaining Balloons to the remaining Archer Towers.
  6. When the three buildings mentioned above are destroyed, your leftover Balloons will have nothing to worry about and will clean up the base.
  7. Remember that Balloons take a lot of time to clean up the base, so make sure you don't run out of time during the attack!

The Best Armies For Town Hall 5 In Clash of Clans (11)

3 /5

Mass Balloons

Speaking of Balloons being OP at this Town Hall level, the next attack strategy will be based solely around Balloons. We'll sprinkle some Archers to help with the clean-up process! For this attack strategy, your army composition should look like this:

The Best Armies For Town Hall 5 In Clash of Clans (12)
OPTIONAL: If you have access to Clan Castle Troops, you should request Balloons or Baby Dragons to strengthen your army.

The Best Armies For Town Hall 5 In Clash of Clans (13)
  1. Check for Clan Castle troops and use your Archers to take care of them, if any.
  2. The main idea is to remove the enemy Air Defense as quickly as possible so your Balloons will be highly effective.
  3. You will drop around 8 to 9 Balloons toward the nearest Air Defense. Make sure to use your Lightning Spells to weaken it too!
  4. Once the Air Defense is down, another building that will pose a problem is the Wizard Tower.
  5. Since Wizard Towers deal splash damage, you want to avoid deploying all your Balloons simultaneously so we will send them in small groups.
  6. Try sending around 10 Balloons in two groups of 5 to destroy the Wizard Tower.
  7. Once the Wizard Tower and Air Defense are down, you can send your remaining Balloons in groups to destroy the Archer Towers, the last air-attacking defense at this Town Hall level.
  8. Finally, use your Archers to help clean up the base and get those three stars.

The Best Armies For Town Hall 5 In Clash of Clans (14)

4 /5

Goblin Smash

The Goblin Smash strategy is a very effective farming strategy. Keep in mind that farming strategies won't get you three stars most of the time, so don't use this army in Clan Wars Leagues! For this attack strategy, your army composition should look like this:

The Best Armies For Town Hall 5 In Clash of Clans (15)
OPTIONAL: If you have access to Clan Castle Troops, you should request Giants to strengthen your army.

The Best Armies For Town Hall 5 In Clash of Clans (16)
  1. Check for Clan Castle troops and use your Archers to take care of them, if any.
  2. The main idea of the army is to have your Giants destroy the enemy Mortar, which will allow your Goblins to have an easier time with clearing resource buildings.
  3. Use all your Giants supported by Lightning Spells, Archers, and Wall Breakers to destroy the enemy Mortar.
  4. Once the Mortar is down, start 20 to 30 Goblins to loot the core of the base and save the remaining Goblins to clean up the Mines and Collectors at the outskirts of the base.
  5. Note that the point of this army isn't aiming for three stars, as the Goblin Smash is a farming strategy.
  6. The objective is to raid all the resources instead of going for a 100% attack.

The Best Armies For Town Hall 5 In Clash of Clans (17)

5 /5

Giant Wizard Barch

Last but not least is a hybrid attack strategy with many troops added to the equation. Despite having so many troops, the Giant Wizard Barch strategy is still relatively easy to execute. For this attack strategy, your army composition should look like this:

The Best Armies For Town Hall 5 In Clash of Clans (18)
OPTIONAL: If you have access to Clan Castle Troops, you should request Giants or Hog Riders to strengthen your army.

The Best Armies For Town Hall 5 In Clash of Clans (19)
  1. Check for Clan Castle troops and use your Archers and Wizards to take care of them if any.

  2. Like other strategies above, the main idea is to have your Giants destroy the enemy Mortar.

  3. Support these Giants with Lightning Spells, Wall Breakers, and some Wizards.

  4. Once the Mortar is down, start sending Barbarians, Archers, and Wizards to continue to support the Giants now that you won’t have to worry about the Mortar splash.

  5. The Barbarians, Archers, and Wizards will help you go through the base while the Giants tank for them.

  6. Try to save some Archers to assist with the clean-up process on the other sides of the base, preferably around 5 to 10 of them.

That’s it for this article. These are five highly effective attack strategies that will help you progress your base efficiently. If you’re ready to leap into Town Hall 6, check out our guide on the best attack strategies for Town Hall 6!

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The Best Armies For Town Hall 5 In Clash of Clans (2024)


What is the best army in Clash of Clans for Town Hall 5? ›

The army you would use is 22 Balloons, 6 Wizards, and 1 Archer. First, you would put down 1 Archer near the Clan Castle to see if there are any Clan Castle troops. If there are, lure them to the corner of the base and destroy them with Wizards. Then use a Lightning Spell on the Air Defense or Wizard Tower.

How to attack th6 with th5 troops? ›

This is a basic strategy for TH 5-6 players. You may ask for Clan Castle Wizards, Healers, Minions or Hog Riders. Deploy Wall Breakers on walls in front of Archer Towers, Wizard Towers, Air Defenses and Mortars. Deploy Giants and destroy these defenses.

What is the perfect troop for COC? ›

Okay, so what are the best troops in clash of clans? Well obviously that's a very subjective question, but considering their popularity, you could say that some of the best ones are the following Superdragon, Yeti, Peka Fowler, Sneaky Archer, Hog Rider, Lava Hound, Dragon Rider, Valkyrie, and Super Witch.

What is Town Hall level 5? ›

At level 5, a stone framing gets added to the entrance and windows. The rest of the corner poles and window walls are finished with stone. At level 6, small golden pillars appear on the sides of the Town Hall with vines that partially cover the walls along with the pillars.

What is the best troop for Builder Hall 5? ›

Sneaky Archer is a good troop to use in battle because they have a special cloak ability, which allows them to stay invisible for the first few seconds. Players should start their attacking strategy on the side of Mortar to take down the strongest area-damage ground defense in the Builder Base first.

What troops should I use in Town Hall 6? ›

  • lure out cc troops with archers. ...
  • deploy your giants near a defensive building which has splash damage like mortars or wizard towers.
  • deploy wall breakers behind them.
  • after walls break(!) ...
  • whenever giants are low on health put a healing spell on them.
  • watch the mayhem and get the 3 star!

How long does it take to finish th6? ›

Overall Upgrade Costs and Durations
Builder Time3d 1h 22m
Lab Time2d 11h

How long does it take to fully upgrade th5? ›

Overall Upgrade Costs and Durations
Builder Time3d 5h 40m
Lab Time2d 4h

What is the strongest army in COC? ›

Dragon + P.E.K.K.A.'s

Dragons and P.E.K.K.A.s are the last two to unlock in the standard Barracks, making them the strongest troops of all.

Who is the fastest troops in COC? ›

Goblins are one of the fastest troops in the game and are currently the only troop whose favorite targets are resources. Goblins are mostly used to farm resources; when farming you will go in with Army Camps full of Goblins along with a small number of Wall Breakers.

What troop takes the longest to train COC? ›

The longest troop training time would include a lvl 10 barracks (duh) with 18 wizards , 1wallbreaker and 1 golin creating a total train time of 3 hours, 2minutes and 30 seconds. happy training! With de barracks its 2hours, and 5 minutes, 8 valks and a hog rider.

What is the best clan in COC? ›

Top 200 clans rankings
#1Pars Group #20VVPL22View
#2࿐ོMeGa❤️LosT࿐ོ #8VQ0V0RView
#3Lost Lithium #P9RRV9PGView
#4࿐ོMega Soltan #Y80QGLYRView
53 more rows

What troops are best to upgrade COC? ›

But make sure your always upgrading something. Your troop upgrade priorities will vary from TH to TH. Generally you want start on a strong war troop right away (dragons, pekkas, lava hounds, etc). After that, get your general raiding troops (Archers, Barbarians, wallbreakers, goblins, giants)

What is the highest town hall in COC? ›

The Top of the Town: Discovering the Highest Town Hall

As of the latest updates, the highest Town Hall level in Clash of Clans is Town Hall 15. This majestic level represents the pinnacle of your village's development, offering new defenses, buildings, and powerful upgrades that can make your base nearly invincible.

What is the friendly army for in Clash of Clans? ›

A friendly army in Clash of Clans isn't some spooky ghost or hidden trap; it's all about teamwork and camaraderie! In simpler terms, it refers to the troops you can borrow from your clanmates to boost your army's strength.


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