Marine robotics capability - British Antarctic Survey (2024)

We now live in a digital age characterised by intelligent instrumentation. Remotely controlled and autonomous vehicles can go where humans can’t, help researchers sample parts of the ocean and atmosphere that were previously inaccessible, and can increase the geographic coverage of poorly sampled areas like the Southern Ocean.

RRS Sir David Attenborough acts as a central platform for deploying and operating of a range of state-of-the-art autonomous and remotely operated vehicles in polar regions. It also has enhanced communications and data handling capabilities to enable real-time data delivery and remote UK-based instrument operation.

Autonomous underwater vehicles

Autonomous underwater vehicles (AUV) are robot submarines used to explore the world’s oceans without direct control from the ship. They usually travel along a pre-programmed path to survey locations that may be dangerous or impossible for humans to reach, including underneath ice shelves and at the calving fronts of glaciers.

Marine robotics capability - British Antarctic Survey (1)


The Autosub range of AUVswas developed by the National Oceanography Centre (NOC). They are outfitted with the latest battery technology, advanced satellite communications and oceanographic sensors to map the seabed and measure the physical and chemical properties of seawater.

Before being launched from the ship, the AUV’s computers are programmed with instructions of where to go, what to measure and what depths to dive to – they can reach depths of up to 6000m. With no link to the main ship, all communications with the AUV are limited to using acoustics while the AUV is underwater. Satellite communications can only be used when the Autosub is at the ocean surface.

NOC have a number of different Autosub models, including the latest version – Autosub Long Range. This vehicle is also known as Boaty McBoatface and was first deployed in the Antarctic aboard RRS James Clark Rossin March 2017as part of a DynOPO research cruise.

Marine robotics capability - British Antarctic Survey (2)

Ocean gliders

Underwater gliders are a type of robotic underwater vehicle that uses an expandable oil-filled bladder to move instead of using a conventional propeller. As the liquid is pumped into or out of the bladder, the volume of the glider changes but its mass remains the same. As a result, its density changes, allowing the device to rise or sink through the water. Its wings turn this vertical motion into forwards motion.

Gliders are extremely energy-efficient, making them a useful tool for gathering long-term data from the oceans. Depending on the sensors, instruments and extra batteries used, gliders can be deployed for up to 12 months. They can even be left in place to take measurements while the ship is elsewhere. They can be directed via two-way satellite communications link while at the ocean surface.

Marine robotics capability - British Antarctic Survey (3)

Remotely Operated Vehicles

A Remotely Operated Vehicle (ROV) is an unmanned, highly manoeuvrable underwater robot. Unlike AUVs, they are connected to the ship by a cable and controlled by an operator on board the ship. The cable acts as an “umbilical cord”, providing the ROV with power and relaying data such as video footage and data collected by the vehicle. ROVs enable intricate surveys of the seabed, enabling the collection of precise samples from the seafloor. Experiments at extreme water depths, unreachable by human divers due to the water pressure, are also possible with an ROV.

An ROV can be manoeuvred precisely with its thrusters (propellers). Using its camera, the controller can recover small, delicate objects more precisely than any other sampling system. Scientists can also see the undisturbed area from where samples are taken, giving them a better understanding of habitats and structures. Complex in situ experiments can also happen, while maintaining the environmental conditions and minimising damage to samples caused by recovery to the surface.

Isis ROV

The National Oceanography Centre currently operates one ROV, named Isis. It is the UK’s deepest diving ROV dedicated to science. Isis collects samples, drills sediment cores and records high-definition video and stills at ocean depths up to 6,500m. It weighs 4000kg and is fitted with cameras, lights, thrusters and numerous scientific sensors.


The RRSSir David Attenborough can also accommodate the HyBIS ROV. HyBIS is a modular, versatile, robotic underwater vehicle that can reach depths of up to 6000m. It is equipped with a sampling grab, cameras and equipment used to record conditions in the deep sea. In contrast to a conventional ROV, HyBIS’ descent and ascent, and its operating depth, are controlled from the ship. This means it can deploy and recover loads (such as sampling equipment) up to 700km.

The Southern Ocean is an important region to study; it influences ocean currents and plays a key role in regulating the Earth’s climate. Water that is cooled here sinks to the bottom of the ocean, driving the large-scale ‘conveyor belt’ circulation. It also absorbs about three-quarters of the anthropogenic heat that is absorbed by the ocean, and approximately half of the carbon dioxide.

We don’t yet fully understand many of the processes regulating the exchange of heat and carbon between the atmosphere and ocean. Marine robotics are transforming how scientists observe the ocean by extending the reach of research vessels, supplementing and enhancing the data collected from manned platforms. This technology is therefore instrumental in furthering scientific knowledge in the data-poor Southern Ocean.

Exploring previously inaccessible regions

Marine robotics are opening up new areas of the Southern Ocean to scientific research missions. As they are unmanned they have the ability to visit previously unexplored environments including ocean cavities under ice shelves and hydrothermal vents.

As part of the DynOPO project, the Autosub Long Range AUV, also known as Boaty McBoatface, was deployed from RRS James Clark Ross, on three missions to measure ocean currents and turbulence near the seabed around Orkney Passage, at up to 4000 m depth. While the researchers on the ship were conducting measurements at discrete sites using the ship’s conductivity-temperature-depth (CTD) probe and free-falling vertical microstructure profilers (VMPs), Autosub traversed this area of extremely steep underwater topography, staying close above the seabed. In total the AUV covered 188 km in 75 hours, its longest mission to date. Read more here.

Data collected shows the patterns of deep currents at a resolution that cannot be measured using traditional methods. Read more about the results from the AUVs debut Antarctic mission here.

Enhancing sampling capability and data collection

Remotely operated vehicles (ROVs) and AUVs greatly increase our ability to study the vast Southern Ocean. Using these technologies, data can be collected from larger areas, in finer detail and over longer periods of time. This is crucial for understanding how the Southern Ocean interacts with global systems.

Ocean gliders, for example, are designed to sample very densely, providing high-resolution data that is crucial for examining structures in the Southern Ocean, known as steep fronts and eddies. While they have limited capabilities compared with a large research vessel, gliders can sample specific areas in greater detail for longer periods of time.

As part of the £8.4m ORCHESTRA project, four underwater gliders and one waveglider (an autonomous surface vehicle that uses waves on the sea surface to propel itself) were deployed from RRS James Clark Ross. These gliders spent two months in the Drake Passage, off the coast of the Antarctic Peninsula, conducting surveys to study ocean characteristics and the interaction between the ocean and the atmosphere at the surface. An example of the type of data collected is found below:

Marine robotics capability - British Antarctic Survey (4)

Large ROVs such as ISIS have a unique capability to explore ecosystems on the seabed. They are piloted from the surface via a tether that sends power and commands to the vehicle while transmitting data and video back in real-time. This allows biologists to study the undisturbed seabed, or even collect targeted samples. New species are still being discovered in the depths of the oceans, and these platforms allow us to see them in the context of their natural environment.

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Marine robotics capability - British Antarctic Survey (2024)


What is the work of the British Antarctic Survey? ›

Its skilled science and support staff based in Cambridge, Antarctica and the Arctic, work together to deliver research that uses the Polar Regions to advance our understanding of Earth and our impact on it.

Has David Attenborough been to Antarctica? ›

The RRS Sir David Attenborough completes the first leg of its journey to Antarctica, arriving in the Falkland Islands on 9 December.

Who owns Sir David Attenborough? ›

RRS Sir David Attenborough is a research vessel owned by the Natural Environment Research Council and operated by the British Antarctic Survey for the purposes of both research and logistic support.

Who is the captain of the RRS Sir David Attenborough? ›

The RRS Sir David Attenborough has been berthed at Harwich in Essex since the start of November. The £200m ship will call at Portsmouth before starting its three-week voyage to the Falkland Islands on Tuesday. Captain Will Whatley hoped the ship would reach the Rothera research station , on Antarctica, by Christmas.

Who pays for the British Antarctic Survey? ›

Our funding

The majority of this funding comes from NERC (Natural Environment Research Council) the leading funder of independent research, training and innovation in environmental science in the UK.

Is the British Antarctic Survey a reliable source? ›

We publish our results in high-quality peer-reviewed journals; provide high-level policy advice to UK Government; provide and support leadership in Antarctic affairs; and participate in influential reports such as those produced by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change.

Is it true that you can't explore Antarctica? ›

Travelers do not need permission to go to Antarctica, but tourism operators must hold a valid permit. First, a bit of background on why it is legal to visit Antarctica. Antarctica is not a country. The continent is protected by the Antarctic Treaty, which preserves it for peaceful and scientific use.

Is anyone on Antarctica right now? ›

Antarctica is the most remote continent on Earth and boasts its harshest climate. Although it's a wonderful, even downright transformative place to visit as a summer tourist, it would seem a challenging realm for permanent human inhabitation. And indeed it is: Antarctica, in fact, has no permanent human population.

Why does NASA go to Antarctica? ›

NASA uses satellites to study the ice on Antarctica and how the continent is changing. Scientists want to know how changes in Earth's climate are affecting Antarctica's ice sheets. They also want to know how changes in Antarctic ice might affect Earth's climate.

Does David Attenborough believe in God? ›

Attenborough was married to Jane Elizabeth Ebsworth Oriel from 1950 until her death in 1997. They have two children. He was never religious and was not brought up with faith. “It never really occurred to me to believe in God,” Attenborough said in a 2009 interview with Radio Times.

Has David Attenborough had kids? ›

In 1947, he was called up for national service in the Royal Navy and spent two years stationed in North Wales and the Firth of Forth. In 1950, Attenborough married Jane Elizabeth Ebsworth Oriel. The couple had two children, Robert (b. 1951) and Susan (b.

Does David Attenborough vegan? ›

Although Attenborough is not vegan or even vegetarian himself, he has frequently used his platform to promote plant-based diets. In recent years, the broadcaster claims to have adopted a mostly vegetarian diet for environmental reasons and has cut red meat from his diet due to its environmental impact.

Did David Attenborough go to the Navy? ›

Once he had finished school, David was awarded with a scholarship to study the natural sciences at the University of Cambridge. After graduating however, David was conscripted to serve for two years in the Royal Navy.

Why is David Attenborough so remarkable? ›

With over 40 animals and plant species named after him, and a constellation, he has explored uncharted land and met the remotest people on Earth, inspiring viewers with an interest in the natural world.

How rich is David Attenborough? ›

What is David Attenborough's net worth in 2024? David Attenborough's net worth in 2024 is estimated at $15 million.

What is the purpose of Antarctic research? ›

Antarctica is important for science because of its profound effect on the Earth's climate and ocean systems. Locked in its four kilometre-thick ice sheet is a unique record of what our planet's climate was like over the past one million years.

Is the British Antarctic Survey a government agency? ›

British Antarctic Survey is a public sector research organisation. Our policies and standards are aligned with those of NERC (Natural Environment Research Council) and the UK Government.

Why work for BAS? ›

State-of-the-art research facilities. Talented, diverse and supportive teams. Opportunity to work in the Earth's greatest wilderness areas. Opportunities to learn new skills.

Why does the UK claim Antarctica? ›

The UK's claim to this part of Antarctica is the oldest of any made on the continent. All territorial sovereignty claims to Antarctica are held in abeyance under Article IV of the Antarctic Treaty 1959. The UK's overarching objective is to support the security and good governance of the Territory.


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