Destiny 2: Beyond Light - Dead Exo Locations And The Lament Exotic Sword Quest Guide (2024)

Destiny 2

Destiny 2: Beyond Light - Dead Exo Locations And The Lament Exotic Sword Quest Guide (1)

By Eric Switzer

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Destiny 2: Beyond Light - Dead Exo Locations And The Lament Exotic Sword Quest Guide (2)

Destiny 2: Beyond Light introduces a new Triumph Seal that rewards the title Splintered. There are 45 triumphs to complete before the seal can be earned, including Salvage The Past, a triumph that requires you to find all the dead exos hidden throughout Europa.

Though a nine-step triumph typically would indicate that it needs to be completed over the course of nine weeks, at this time there doesn't seem to be any way to make progress on the triumph. We know that the triumph is connected to the questline for earning Destiny 2: Beyond Light - Dead Exo Locations And The Lament Exotic Sword Quest Guide (3)The Lament , an exotic sword that will become available when Season of the Hunt begins in earnest this week. That said, there are still several dead exos that have already been located. This guide will be updated in the coming weeks as more are discovered and it becomes possible to interact with them. In the meantime, here are the locations of all currently known dead exos.

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Where To Find The Dead Exos

Dead Exo #1 - Cadmus Ridge

The first dead exo is the one most players have likely already found. In the center of Cadmus ridge, right out in the open, you'll find this dead exo on top of the highest ridge. Look for the giant Vex construct in this area and face it with the path to Variks on your right and you'll find this one pretty easily.

Destiny 2: Beyond Light - Dead Exo Locations And The Lament Exotic Sword Quest Guide (4)

Dead Exo #2 - Perdition Lost Sector

The second dead exo is also located in Cadmus Ridge, inside the Perdition Lost Sector. Make your way to the boss and you'll find this dead exo in the front corner of the room, left of where you enter it.

Destiny 2: Beyond Light - Dead Exo Locations And The Lament Exotic Sword Quest Guide (5)

Dead Exo #3 - Concealed Void Lost Sector

The third dead exo can be found at the very end of the Concealed Void lost sector in the Asterion Abyss. Make your way to the cache room, kill the boss, and when the barrier goes down you'll be able to find the dead exo just to the right of the cache on a small platform.

Destiny 2: Beyond Light - Dead Exo Locations And The Lament Exotic Sword Quest Guide (6)

Dead Exo #4 - Bunker E15

The fourth dead exo is, unsurprisingly, in the Bunker E15 boss sector. Clear the fallen to unlock the bunker, then enter and break the Vex key to free the Braytech androids. Follow them downstairs and into the main room and you'll find the dead exo here hidden under the stairs on the right side.

Destiny 2: Beyond Light - Dead Exo Locations And The Lament Exotic Sword Quest Guide (7)

Dead Exo #5 - Bray Exoscience

The fifth dead exo can be found in Bray Exoscience in the room just before the room that where you can start the Exo Simulation mission. As soon as you enter Bray Exoscience, head to the right and up the stairs. There are a lot of dead exos in this room, but the one you're looking for is in the right-back corner.

Destiny 2: Beyond Light - Dead Exo Locations And The Lament Exotic Sword Quest Guide (8)

Dead Exo #6 - Asterion Abyss

The sixth dead exo is located in the Asterion Abyss near the entrance to the Nexus. From Variks, take the rightside path into the Aseterion Abyss and head straight for the big Vex construct on the right side of the map. The dead exo is partially buried in the snow to the right of the Nexus entrance and at the right outside edge of the big Vex construct.

Destiny 2: Beyond Light - Dead Exo Locations And The Lament Exotic Sword Quest Guide (9)

Dead Exo #7 - Well of Infinitude

Next, head into the Well of Infinitude to find the seventh dead exo. This one is hidden pretty deep on your path through this area in the most-south chamber before turning and heading east. You'll know you're in the right place when you find the chamber that has a lethal Vex milk pit beneath it. The dead exo is on a slightly elevated platform just to the left of this room's exit.

Destiny 2: Beyond Light - Dead Exo Locations And The Lament Exotic Sword Quest Guide (10)

Dead Exo #8 - Eventide Ruins

The eighth dead exo is in the Eventide Ruins. Head to the very edge of the zone to the north where the public event begins and enter the room on the right. You'll find two void shield Fallen Captains in this room. The dead exo is in the back of this room next to a big white pillar.

Destiny 2: Beyond Light - Dead Exo Locations And The Lament Exotic Sword Quest Guide (11)

Dead Exo #9 - Creation

Destiny 2: Beyond Light - Dead Exo Locations And The Lament Exotic Sword Quest Guide (12)

The ninth and final exo is in the new Creation area of Bray Exoscience that opened up after the raid was completed. Head into Exoscience and go up the stairs to the right. In the second room you'll find a new door way that leads to Creation. Follow this path until you find yourself into a huge cavernous area where you'll need to jump down to some platforms below you. The dead exo is on that first big platform.

READ NEXT: Destiny 2: Beyond Light Complete Guide And Walkthrough

Destiny 2: Beyond Light - Dead Exo Locations And The Lament Exotic Sword Quest Guide (2024)


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